Jayhawk Exchange Friends

Learn about other cultures and meet students studying abroad at KU by joining the Jayhawk Exchange Friends (JEF) program. JEF creates small groups of current KU students with new exchange students to help them become more familiar with campus life, and in turn, exchange students share their cultures and perspectives. We aim for cross-cultural understanding and friendships through shared, fun experiences and conversations. With close to 70 exchange students this fall, we have a big cohort and are looking forward to a robust program. Groups will do a minimum of two events each month. One will be a large event for all Friends and the other will be determined by each small group.
Why Participate?
Current KU Students:
- Interested in learning about other cultures and perspectives
- Help international students learn about American culture and KU
- Meet new friends from around the world
- Earn GAP hours/letters of reference
New KU Exchange Students:
- Gain a better understanding of American culture
- Talk to fellow students about your culture and traditions
- Make new friends through fun, social events
- Earn GAP hours/letters of reference
Eligibility Requirements
- Be an active KU student
- Speak conversational English
- Commit to being an active member in small groups through the fall semester, interacting with your small group AT LEAST 2 times each month.
- Have short, periodic check-ins with Michelle Ward.
Email Michelle Ward, mmward@ku.edu, with questions.